Amazon Prime Air: Amazon’s plan to send packets with drones.

Buy a product on Amazon and receive it in just 30 minutes at home by a drone. That’s the plan of Jeff Bezos, founder of the company, which has revealed in an interview on 60 Minutes. This is still an idea in pure research phase, but in 2015 or before could become reality.

It is the date that Bezos has set for the project. Still, it is something that working (and being approved by the authorities) could not happen in 4 or 5 years. According to Bezos, «and it’ll work, and be really fun.»

Bezos explained that the purpose of this service, called Prime Air, it would not make deliveries of bulky products using drones to destinations within 16 km. Using these devices would be cleaner to do deliveries with trucks or cars and delivery coordinates GPS would be used by the client to indicate at the time of payment.

Amazon founder added that another important aspect would be security. «This can not fall on someone’s head,» he added. Yes, an important point. It remains to see how they solve.

Surprising sphere constructed with multiple wheels in 3D


Mechanical sculpture, toy and small puzzles at once. This is what has created the Proxy Design Studio,a sphere  called Mechaneu that explores the limits of 3D printing from an artistic point of view. It is his first creation of a larger number of objects that will come later.

The study explains that the area has created a unique manufacturing process. Something surprising considering that this is a kind of network of interconnected wheels: if you tap a whole rotates surface. The effect is hypnotic.

The photos below will show it in more detail.The idea is already on sale, you can buy online, but it’s not what you say cheap: from 170 euros / dollars.